

January 3rd - Bridget Mayo - Living with Dementia

February 7th - Nigel Dawson - A Night at the Oscars

March 7th - Emma Cox - Telling Family Stories

April 4th - Gude Hudson-Gool  - Tissue Paper Flowers

May 2nd - AGM & Resolutions

June 6th - Sandra Russell - History of Miniatures

July 4th - Catherine from Aspens - Talk on Aspens

August 1st - Liz Pink - Yoga / Mindfulness

September 5th - Jacqueline Aviolet - Hardy Geraniums

October 3rd - Members only - Owl Walk at Bore Place

November 7th - Alexander J Hunt - All things Nutty

December 5th - Katherine Hook - All Things Sloe Gin & Chocolate