Home Economics

Chairman ~ Eileen Vago ~ 01732 841297

The Home Economics Sub-Committee will meet at Ethel Hunt Lodge on the following Tuesdays in 2020:

14th January     24th March     19th May     15th September    17th November

You are welcome to attend any of their meetings as an observer.


Home Economics Annual Days

Thursday 23 April - The Crofton Halls, Crofton Road, Orpington BR6 8PR

Tuesday 28 April - Ditton Community Centre, Kiln Barn Road, Ditton ME20 6AH

10.30am - 3.30pm (doors open at 9.30am)

For The Crofton Halls on Thursday 23 April the speakers will be -

Neil Miller who was made redundant from his job in the city in the 90s and turned his passion for gardening into a career. He now leads a team of gardeners at the award winning gardens at Hever Castle.

Andrew Slater telling of the ups and downs of setting up the Kent based company Must-Chup sauces. There will be an opportunity to buy and taste the sauces.

Mick Wheeler of the British Coffee Association describing "Coffee from seed to cup" covering both its production and the many variations in making coffee today.

The speakers for Ditton Community Centre on Tuesday 28 April the speakers will be -

Chris Williams of Edibleculture Faversham will talk of how the business deeply rooted in its local community seeks to promote horticultural methods that mitigate waste of natural resources, the decline of native wildlife and promotes the concept that personal action has input.

Carol Tennant cookery writer and food stylist and author of the WI 'Book of Preserves' will talk about making preserves and demonstrate some quick methods of producing them.

Alan Payne tour guide and public speaker will tell us 'The Story Behind Your Cuppa' from its harvesting to the fascinating world of blending.

Tickets for this event are £10 - Priority will be given to members but non-members are also welcome.

Closing date for applications is March 13
